In the previous decade, we began to realise the true potential of new technology and innovations such as AI, 5G, and the future of the workplace. As we head into the new decade, we can expect to see these technologies develop even further. The General Manager of Lenovo Malaysia, Varinderjit Singh is sharing Lenovo’s technology predictions based on trends and insights that will be front and center in 2020 and beyond.

The following is attributed to Varinderjit Singh, General Manager, Lenovo Malaysia

2020 will be the Year of 5G

5G is set to be as much as 100 times faster than 4G. It’s difficult to outline all the changes we’ll see from5G technology but it’s evident that entire industries will be disrupted, and new ones will be launched. We’ll see businesses roll out private networks designed for manufacturing sites –enabling better employee productivity, machine efficiency and an increase in profitability. We can also expect to see doctors operate on patients miles away by controlling robotic devices and you might even be able to holoproject into your next meeting.

AI will Go More Mainstream

Artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to provide solutions, which improve lives, workplace processes, and services. For example, IDC predicts that by 2024, more than 60 percent of luxury hotels worldwide will have deployed a customer-facing smart assistant that leverages AI to drive better customer experience. There will also be a greater focus on how AI can be deployed responsibly so that the benefits can be enjoyed on a societal scale.

Privacy and Security will Remain a Top Priority

With the permeation of sensors and connectivity being embedded into nearly everything we use, consumers are unsurprisingly uncomfortable with how companies are using their data (World Economic Forum, 2019). Consumers are becoming more aware of the security and safety risks that come with connectivity. In 2020, a growing number of consumers will take a stand on their personal data. Technology companies will continue to be pressured by consumers to properly equip their software and devices to ensure their information is private and protected. Additionally, brands will have to become much more transparent on what data they collect and how it is used.

Organizations will continue to adjust their security approach as working remotely increases and there’s an emphasis on employee flexibility. Users will demand solutions that leave no gaps in coverage and businesses will be increasingly dependent on interconnected systems.  The use of a context-based AI endpoint security solution will be fundamental, as it’s vital to predict, prevent, detect and respond to malicious activity at the endpoint, which will help lock down that point and remediate the point of breach

The Workforce will Connect in New Ways

The partnership between human workers and machine capabilities will continue to grow, enabling us to optimize workflows, save time and communicate more effectively.  Emerging technologies are helping people prepare for, find and engage with work in new ways. More enterprise-based conference calls will utilize AI to drive a more productive experience – from instant connectivity to live transcriptions and translations.

Smart Business will Move from the Cloud to the Edge

While the cloud is replacing conventional data centers at the network core, the edge will emerge as a complementary source of IT infrastructure, supporting innovative technologies that promise to extend the use and impact of technology into entirely new domains. With over 20 billion things projected to be connected to the Internet by 2020, more businesses will move data analytics and AI-powered apps to edge computing to reduce latency, lighten core server loads and improve business operations.

The Patient Experience will Transform through Connected and Virtual Healthcare

Caregivers and physicians will be able to transform patients’ experiences and produce better outcomes with the metrics captured by wearables and connected at-home monitoring equipment and virtual connections. The use of smart technology will be able to consistently and regularly maintain wellness and treat chronic diseases. Markets are responding to the fast-growing demand and supply of mobile medical Internet of Things (IoT) devices and services, as these provide personalized and efficient care to the society through daily monitoring, analysis, and treatment.

Education Immerses Deeper into AR/VR

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AV/VR) provides an immersive experience for educators and students, positively impacting their understanding and retention. Gartner predicts that 60 percent of all higher education institutions in the U.S. will be using VR in the classroom by 2021 as these immersive tools level the playing field for different students. They can learn geography by traveling the globe, conduct virtual science experiments and explore historical sites that would be otherwise inaccessible for many. Educators will be able to use data to analyze each student’s progress, leading to personalized curriculums that cater to specific needs and learning types.


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