In a recent survey about which company most Malaysian would like to work for, Jobstreet found that Petronas topped the list, followed by Shell, Google Malaysia, Maybank and Sime Darby. According to the survey, salary is the prime reason candidates want to work for these companies. The reason is the same across all position levels, from fresh graduates to senior managers. Experienced candidates also said that company reputation influenced their decision, while fresh graduates cited the training and development available to them. Meanwhile, benefits and incentives came in third as a workplace consideration across all position levels followed by quality of leadership. Work environment and culture were chosen as their fourth and fifth consideration respectively.

Jobstreet found that 88% of employees would tender their resignation in their current company if they were given an opportunity to work in their preferred company. However, when asked what prevented them from seeking a new job at the company they preferred, 46% said that they have no time to apply or they did not hear a reply from the company.

Meanwhile, when it comes to what employees dislike about their current jobs, their main factor was the lack of leadership qualities in their current workplace. Other factors were salary, a poor working environment and culture, the lack of bonuses and incetives and the lack of opportunity for career growth.



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