Scaling the realms of the flourishing real estate market, Suntec Real Estate Consultants (SRE) Pte Ltd, once known as Chesterton Suntec International, is set to raise the industry benchmark in Asia. Headed by tycoon and maritime luminary, Tan Sri Dr Frank Tsao, well-known for his acute business acumen, Suntec Real Estate Consultants Pte Ltd, a global real estate advisory firm with a focus on dynamic Asian countries, is bound for a bigger, brighter future.

Today, revamped and reinvented with a new logo and website in tow, grand plans to expand has been made.  With substantial resources under their belt and a fortified business direction, Suntec Real Estate Consultants aims to expand their business across the Asian real estate market – diversifying their service offerings and increasing their market share. Suntec Real Estate Consultants intends to capture the bullish prospects of the regions’ rapidly growing real estate sectors. They are actively exploring Myanmar, Jakarta, Thailand and Malaysia. In the coming five years, Suntec Real Estate Consultants is looking to set up offices across the region, with the first one to be established in the next six months. 

“With the transition of Chesterton Suntec International to Suntec Real Estate Consultants, we hope to transcend Singapore’s real estate presence beyond Asia, onto a global level. Ultimately, leaving a legacy based on the foresight, knowledge and integrity of our team,” shares Tan Sri Dr Frank Tsao.



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