General Electric commends the Government’s 2014 Budget announced today, which reaffirms the Government’s commitment towards supporting the growth of the domestic economy and raising the quality of life of Malaysians.
Stuart Dean, CEO, General Electric (GE) ASEAN, said, “2013 has been a tumultuous year amidst a volatile external economy but Malaysia has weathered it well due to the strength of the Government and the commendable steps taken to bolster the domestic economy against external uncertainties. Fiscal consolidation underpinned by the traction gained from the projects under the Economic Transformation Programme and mega infrastructure projects will support a strong local economy going into 2014. GE has, for more than 30 years, supported the development of local companies and the nation, and will remain committed to supporting the Government and the sustainable development of key economic areas such as oil & gas, energy, aviation and healthcare.”
The Budget announcement also highlighted initiatives to raise the quality of life of Malaysians as well as drive investment and promote innovation. Stuart Dean said, “With initiatives focused on the people’s well-being and development, creating high-income jobs and spurring a more innovation-driven, business-friendly and efficient economy, Malaysia is poised to boost its competitiveness in the global economy. GE, as the world’s leading innovative technology solutions provider, remains committed to supporting the development of local talent and the growth of businesses through our leadership development programs, collaboration with government partners such as MIDA and TalentCorp, as well as partnerships with local companies such as Petronas and AirAsia.”
Stuart Dean added, “Amidst continued global volatility in 2014, we are confident that the measures taken by the Government will support a resilient and competitive Malaysia geared for a balanced and sustainable economic growth ahead.”