Singapore will be moving into phase two of reopening the economy on 19 June 2020. With this new phase of de-escalation, businesses are putting in place as many safety measures as possible as thy prepare to once again welcome customers. At the same time, government service centres and libraries are among some of the public facilities set to progressively open.
“Phase two is a significant step in moving towards a new ‘Covid-19-safe’ normal,” said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong.
The announcement of phase two comes about around two weeks after the start of phase one. As of 19 June, most businesses and social activities will be allowed to resume.
In general, retail outlets will once again be allowed to open, albeit with strict safe distancing measures in place. Food and beverage dine-ins would also be allowed as long as there are no more than five diners per table.
More public spaces will progressively be made accessible again, including public libraries, various government service centres and common areas in public housing estates such as playgrounds and fitness corners.
However, programmes and activities which require physical presence will resume in small groups with reduced density, intensity and duration.
Enterprise Singapore (ESG), the Housing Board (HDB), Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) has recently released a joint advisory for retail establishments and lifestyle-related services detailing the guidelines and rules that business will have to follow.
Private enrichment and tuition centres will also be implementing additional measures to ensure the safety of its clients. This includes a reduction in class sizes and the rescheduling of some lessons. Private and home-based tuition are also being allowed to resume operations. The same goes for sports facilities and venues.
Schools will also see co-curricular activities resume as they are “essential elements of school experiences”, said the Ministry of Education (MOE) in a statement. The ministry said that schools will try to restart CCAs that can be conducted by coaches, instructors or CCA teachers through digital means. These include dance, computer programming, art and robotics.
In general, people will also be able to meet up with friends outside once more with accordance to strict conditions.