Maybank today announced the appointment of John Chong as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Maybank Investment Bank (Maybank IB) andMohd Suhail Amar Suresh Abdullah as Executive Vice President & Head of Virtual Banking & Payments, Maybank. 

John Chong, an experienced investment banker who has been with Maybank Group for 19 years, has also been concurrently appointed as Maybank Head of Investment Banking & Advisory for Malaysia operations. He holds a Bachelor of Economics (Hons) from the University of Queensland, Australia. Prior to the appointment, he was Managing Director and Head, Client Coverage for Maybank’s Global Wholesale Banking.

Mohd Suhail was Managing Director of Malaysian Electronic Clearing Corporation Sdn Bhd (MyClear) prior to his appointment at Maybank. MyClear is a subsidiary of Bank Negara that took over the e-payment business of Malaysian Electronic Payment Sdn Bhd (MEPS) and is responsible for deploying e-payment infrastructure and services for the financial industry.

Maybank President & CEO, Dato’ Sri Abdul Wahid Omar said the appointments were part of the continuous efforts to strengthen the Group’s leadership team with new additions and internal successions.


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