Taylor’s, the premier educational institution is collaborating with leading independent tax advisory firm, TraTax to organise the Regional Tax & Investment Conference 2023. The one-day conference will look to equip attendees with expert insights into investment trends and tax developments across the Southeast Asian region.

The conference is slated for 21 March 2023 at Le Meridien Kuala Lumpur, and coincides with increasingly broader cross-border trade, investment diversification trends and new taxation conversations as the region looks to rebound from the economic constraint of the pandemic whilst pre-emptively combating any possibility of an economic slowdown.

It will feature 11 regional tax industry experts across the region including representatives from Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia who will speak about tax and investment topics from the perspective of their respective jurisdictions.

Thenesh Kannaa, Partner at TraTax, said: “The Regional Tax & Investment Conference 2023, is set to be a focal point for CFOs, C-Suite executives, entrepreneurs and regulators alike. The industry landscape is in a time of flux and there are many vital observations and important conversations to be had that could pave the way forward for  businesses, the nation and the ASEAN region as a whole.”

“This may be the first in recent times such a congregation of industry experts is taking place. I am sure attendees will find it immensely beneficial and that it will have positive long-term knock-on effects for the tax and investment landscape in totality.”

Topics that will be covered during the Conference include an overview of tax considerations in cross-border investment and transactions, investment trends and requirements in the ASEAN region, regional tax developments, global minimum tax and sustainability, 2023 Malaysian Budget tax updates as well as regional indirect tax updates.

The expert speakers include Wim Wuyts, CEO of WTS Global; Eugene Lim, Co-founder and Principal of Taxise LLC, Singapore; Fulvio D. Dawilan, Managing Partner of BDB Law Office, Philippines; Mark Fancellu, Director of Accounting at BlueRock, Australia; Till Morstadt, Managing Partner of Lorenz & Partners Co. Ltd., Thailand; Tomy Harsono, Partner of Consulthink, Indonesia; Julien Tran, Managing Director of WTS Vietnam; Dato Sri Subromaniam Tholasy, Special Advisor for TraTax and former Director General of the Royal Malaysian Customs, En. Ahmad Khairuddin Abdul Rahim, Special Advisor for TraTax and former Deputy CEO of the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Renganathan Kannan, Partner at TraTax as well as Thenesh Kannaa, Partner at TraTax.

Commenting on the Conference, Josephine Tan, Campus Director of Taylor’s College said, “We pride ourselves on being beacons of education in the classroom and beyond – extending across a vast array of subject matters and resonating with a broad cross-section of audience, and we acknowledge the value of qualified accountants who make meaningful contributions to the growth of the nation’s economy. The Regional Tax & Investment Conference 2023 aligns perfectly with this mission statement. With TraTax, we look forward to providing a truly meaningful and enriching conference for the various attendees.”

Participation tickets for the Regional Tax & Investment Conference 2023 are currently on sale at the price of RM1,000, fully HRDC-claimable with attendance certificates provided.


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