Malaysia is on the right track in its efforts to increase the country’s green development credentials. Since Malaysia began practicing certification using the fully-Malaysian Green Building Index (GBI) tools introduced by the Malaysian Architects’ Association (PAM) and the Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM) in 2009, more than 50 million square feet of building space has achieved Green Building status, with 137 projects having been certified as of Q2 this year.

This greening momentum, together with targets such as the country’s pledge to reduce carbon emission by up to 40% by 2020 and new efforts such as the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB)’s new planning guidelines for green construction and GreenRE, the green building and carbon-rating tool developed by the Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia (REHDA), fits closely with its ASEAN and Asian neighbours’ focus on the future of green technology in development.

On top of the greater depth in the energy efficiency content offered this year, BEX Asia 2013 will also provide greater business opportunities and see new country participation from Switzerland and Japan. In particular, Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), a government-affiliated organization, will be leading more than 15 Japanese companies to BEX Asia 2013.

BEX Asia 2013 will be held in conjunction with the inaugural edition of the World Engineering Expo (WEE) 2013, World Engineering Summit (WES) 2013 and also the International Green Building Conferences (IGBC) 2013, making it a truly holistic and all-encompassing green show.

While BEX Asia 2013 offers green solutions for residential and commercial properties, WEE focuses mainly on engineering services, consultancy, product and services, and WES touches on larger issues like infrastructure, industrial developments and climate change. Together, they complement each other to provide a comprehensive platform of thought leadership and practical architectural, design and engineering solutions for the industry in the region.

To be held between 11 and 13 September 2013 at the Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre, BEX Asia 2013 will see more than 300 international exhibitors come together, showcasing the largest range of green products in Southeast Asia.


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