iProperty.com.my has unveiled i360, a virtual showroom platform for new property launches. i360 provides an immersive virtual tour for property seekers to view their preferred properties at their own convenience.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many Malaysian homebuyers are looking at virtual showrooms to adapt to the new normal of property viewing and to help them with their property buying decisions. In a recent iProperty.com.my consumer survey, 89% of property seekers are receptive to the idea of virtual viewings. 75% state that it will help them decide whether or not to view a property in person while the remaining 14% says it is enough for them to decide whether to buy a property. This technological innovation provides a panoramic virtual walk-through for property seekers to view their dream homes.

Commenting on i360, David Mawer, General Manager, iProperty.com Malaysia Sdn Bhd, said “We are continuing to see a shift in property seekers using digital and virtual tools for their property search. This has increased further with the recent impacts of Covid-19, and the subsequent nation-wide movement orders. With the RMCO being extended till end 2020, we expect this trend to continue  – virtual property platforms will remain an important tool for property seekers.”


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