Local neighbourhood grocers and supermarkets see a higher demand during the COVID-19 Movement Control Order (MC)) period as consumers seek convenience in attaining their essential household and food items. The current crisis has also seen an increased demand in food items such as seafood, bread and dry food items which have a longer shelf life. 27% are also still participating in online sales and promotions of non-food items.

This was reflected in the results of an online survey that involved a thousand eighty-two Malaysians throughout the country. An equal spread of men and women were surveyed, and all age cohorts above 24 years old, as well as all races and regions, were represented.

Key takeaways from 1,082 Malaysians on their current purchase behaviours amidst COVID-19 MCO:

• Since the COVID outbreak, consumers are purchasing mostly groceries (97%), personal hygiene items (91%), Snacks (89%), household items (88%), and face masks, hand sanitisers or disinfectants (86%).
• 15% of consumers say that items sold online are cheaper currently, while 29% say it is more expensive.
• 53% of consumers say items sold offline are priced the same as before while 35% say it is more expensive.
• The top 3 sources where consumers are currently getting their groceries are from their local stores or supermarket (40%), 99 Speedmart (39%) and Tesco (21%).
• 69% of consumers say they are only spending on essential food & household items currently, while 27% say they have purchased other items besides food, from current ongoing promotions and sales.
• Top online stores being used by consumers are Tesco Online (30%) and Mydin Online (23%).
• Top offline grocers which consumers have been frequenting since the COVID-19 outbreak are their local grocers or supermarkets (40%), 99 Speedmart (39%), and Tesco (21%).
• Top food items which consumers have been stocking up on during this MCO period are eggs (83%), dry food items (79%), poultry, meat (65%), frozen food (63%), and cooking oil (61%).
• Food items which consumers have not been able to stock up on since the MCO are seafood (29%) and bread, pastries, cakes (25%)
• Although some Malaysians feel unsafe to subscribe to home services currently, 23% of them are still subscribing to Home Delivery Services & Installations, while 14% are also still proceeding with Coway/Cuckoo machine servicing during this period.


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