OCBC CEO Ong Eng Bin (2nd from left) and Asian Banking School (ABS) CEO Professor Colyn Gardner (2nd from right), together with OCBC Head of Consumer Financial Services Lim Wyson (1st from left) and ABS Director of Training Agnes Chew (1st from right), at the launch of the ABS-OCBC Wealth Management Programme
OCBC CEO Ong Eng Bin (2nd from left) and Asian Banking School (ABS) CEO Professor Colyn Gardner (2nd from right), together with OCBC Head of Consumer Financial Services Lim Wyson (1st from left) and ABS Director of Training Agnes Chew (1st from right), at the launch of the ABS-OCBC Wealth Management Programme

The Asian Banking School (ABS) and OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad (OCBC Bank) have teamed up to raise the bar on bankers’ mastery of the complexities of wealth management through a 13-module training programme that kicks off next month (August).

The unprecedented collaborative effort equips OCBC Bank’s relationship managers with best-in-class wealth management knowledge both for customers as well as their own benefit through a sustainable career-defining and perspective-enhancing programme. The ABS-OCBC Wealth Management Programme will prominently feature insights into the trends, challenges and opportunities in the industry.

Its 12 modules will focus on increasing the Bank’s relationship managers’ knowledge of client advisory and the myriad wealth management instruments available today.

In addition to raising the quality of training that relationship managers receive, the ABS-OCBC Wealth Management Programme is expected to double the Bank’s training hours for wealth management professional development.

Students of the inaugural session will graduate in January 2017.

According to OCBC Bank Chief Executive Officer Mr Ong Eng Bin, the Bank is diving deep into the learning realm in order to ensure its relationship managers are equipped with knowledge of the latest trends and industry practices, working in association with a proven collaboration partner.

“As one of the leading banks in wealth management, we know many – including customers and staff, existing and prospective – look to us to set the benchmark for training and development. This partnership with ABS is significant for being the first of its kind in Malaysia and also for the statement it makes about our quest to mould and harness the skills of our staff. This way, they will continue to deliver wealth management products and practices with a greater level of understanding, confidence and success.

“We are convinced that the sound way to do this is by way of a collaborative initiative with a renowned banking school that is backed by a highly respected and experienced team of trainers.  Over the longer-term, it is our hope that our pioneering effort will pave the way for a holistic career progression among our staff that will ultimately lift the overall professional standards of wealth management practices at industry level,” he said.

ABS Chief Executive Officer Professor Colyn Gardner said that the School is excited to be part of this first-of its-kind partnership in the industry to train OCBC Bank’s Relationship Managers.

“OCBC Bank is no stranger to the wealth management industry and when they approached us to discuss partnering in this training  initiative, we recognised right away the commitment that they had to upskilling their staff and the great potential that a comprehensive programme like this would have in elevating the industry. OCBC Bank already has a robust programme that does the job fairly well. We simply built on the foundations of the existing programme, enhanced the content and updated the training methodology to bring the Bank even closer to the cutting edge of best practices in global wealth management practices,” he said.

On the programme itself, Prof Gardner said it adopts an interactive approach to sharing practical experience and knowledge, placing emphasis on topical case studies and best market practices.

“By designing a programme linked to current issues, we are able to explain key elements of the wealth management portfolio that would be of significance to the participants,” he added.

ABS is the industry provider of premium professional certification and capability programmes. Dedicated to developing talent, it specialises in professional banking education and serves as a channel for intellectual content and thought leadership for the banking sector.


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