From 16 to 21 September, all the sector’s important international players will be meeting up at the world’s premier trade fair for the metalworking sector. Under the motto “Intelligence in Production”, the EMO will be showing what modern-day production technology looks like and who is offering it.

“Meet the world at EMO” is one of the most important arguments for participating. Asian companies are particularly prominent in showing the flag, firms from Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea who are keen to play a bigger role on the global market. They have once again upsized their areas compared to the preceding event’s equivalent period, a trend that’s been observable for some years now. In all, Asia currently accounts for a good fifth of the EMO’s exhibitors.

Under enormous pressure on costs, with stringent requirements for efficacy and eco-compliance, they will in the future, too, have to organise their production operations for maximised cost-efficiency. For this purpose, they are investing in new machine tools. Economic pundits expect demand for machine tools to grow still further in the EMO year of 2013.


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