AIA Bhd. (AIA) , AIA PUBLIC Takaful Bhd. (AIA PUBLIC) and AIA Pension and Asset Management Sdn. Bhd. (APAM), today signed the Corporate Integrity Pledge (CIP), declaring its stand against corrupt practices. The CIP is a document that allows a company to make a commitment to uphold the Anti-Corruption Principles for Corporations in Malaysia. By signing the pledge, a company makes a unilateral declaration that it will not commit corrupt acts, will work towards creating a business environment that is free from corruption and will uphold the Anti-Corruption Principles for Corporations in Malaysia in the conduct of its business and in its interactions with its business partners and the Government.

The CIP is a vital component under the Corporate Integrity System™ Malaysia, which is a framework initiated by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity and supported by the Performance Management and Delivery Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the Securities Commission of Malaysian, Bursa Malaysia Bhd, Companies Commission of Malaysia and Transparency International Malaysia.

As of October 2015, there have been over 500 organisations1 consisting of businesses to non-governmental organisations that have signed the CIP. AIA adds to the list of growing organisations that have pledged to operate in a corrupt-free business environment.

Chief Executive Officer of AIA Bhd., Anusha Thavarajah, said, “AIA is proud to be associated with brands that uphold integrity to such a high regard, more so for a company like ours, whose primary focus is on the people we serve. With the signing of the CIP, we are reinforcing our commitment to serve, in our role as The Real Life Company, our customers, employees, intermediaries and business partners, always promoting integrity, transparency and good governance.”

The CIP was signed by Anusha, Elmie Aman Najas, Chief Executive Officer of AIA PUBLIC and Ng Chze How, General Manager of APAM witnessed by Dato’ Sri Mustafar Ali, Deputy Chief Commissioner, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

Dato’ Sri Mustafar Ali said that it was imperative that more organisations understood the positive impact of signing the CIP in their efforts of ensuring transparency and honest business practices, “By upholding the CIP, not only is an organization making a clear stand on how it operates, it is also

setting itself apart from its competition by demonstrating to its stakeholders that its business operations do not include any hidden risks or costs that are associated with corrupt activities. Companies like AIA have understood the advantages of the CIP and have signed the pledged, paving the way for more business opportunities as they commit to operate in a corrupt-free environment.”

The signing of the CIP sees AIA agreeing to uphold the five Anti-Corruption Principles for Corporations in Malaysia:-

1. Committing to provide values of integrity, transparency, accountability and good corporate governance

2. Strengthening internal systems that support corruption prevention

3. Complying with laws, policies and procedures relating to fighting corruption

4. Fighting any form of corrupt practice

5. Supporting corruption prevention initiatives by the Malaysian Government and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission


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