[2015, 5 March] The 6th Muslim World Biz 2015 Business & Investment Zone was officially launched today at the Pacific Grand Ballroom of the Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur by Yang Berhormat Datuk Ir. Haji Hamim Bin Samuri, Deputy Minister of International Trade & Industry (MITI).
Organised by OIC International Business Centre, in collaboration with the Government of Malaysia and Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT), the subsidary organ of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Saudi Arabia, the 6th Muslim World Biz 2015 is projected to enhance the intra trade among the Muslim countries as well as to further strengthen the inter trade among non-Muslim countries. With over 1.7 Billion Muslim population worldwide and a growing affluent Muslim society, the Muslim market is a gold mine waiting to be tapped.
While it is called the 6th Muslim World Biz 2015, the event is not limited to Muslims and Muslim countries alone. The event encourages participation from the non-Muslim countries as one of the objectives of the event is to be the gateway to the Muslim market for business entities from around the world.
In his Launching speech, Yang Berhormat Datuk Ir. Haji Hamim stressed that “The Muslim market is an emerging market with huge potentials. With a population of 1.7 billion, and a combined GDP of over USD 2.0 trillion, the Islamic countries have the potential of being a major global economic power. With that in mind, events like the 6th Muslim World Biz 2015 are heading in the right direction to make Malaysia the Business & Investment Hub and to tap into the Muslim market. Being a Muslim majority country, Malaysia has the advantage in this region and we should look at supporting and participating in this kind of events like the 6th Muslim World Biz 2015 so that we, the government as well as the private sector do not miss out on this golden opportunity to increase our business trade & investment.”
The 6th Muslim World Biz 2015 consisting of a Trade Exhibition & Conferences will be held from 27 to 30 October 2015 at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur and is open to government and private sector of all industry. With the theme “Rise of the Industrial Golden Era”, the 6th Muslim World Biz 2015 consists of the following events:
- 6th Muslim World Biz Trade Exhibition (27-30 October 2015)
- Round Table Talk (27 October 2015)
- OIC-Asia Trade & Economic Forum 2015 (28-29 October 2015)
- OIC Higher Education Conference 2015 (28-29 October 2015)
- Jewels of Muslim Award Gala Dinner (28 October 2015)
At the Launching ceremony officiated by Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Hamim t was clearly highlighted that the 6th Muslim World Biz 2015 is the ideal platform for various sectors of the country’s industry to be part off and to promote, network and sell their invaluable services & products to both regional and international Trade Buyers.
Dato’ Raja Mohamad Abdullah, the Chairman of 6th Muslim World Biz said, “So, the bottom line is this, in business you not only need an attraction or product or service but also must know how to market it to the right target market. And this is where the 6th Muslim World Biz 2015 comes in”.
For further information on 6th Muslim World Biz 2015, please contact:
6th MUSLIM WORLD BIZ Secretariat:
Unit 1A, 24th Floor, Menara TH Selborn
No. 6, Jalan Metro Pudu 2, 153 Jalan tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603 2681 0037; Fax: 603 2681 0032
Email: info@oictoday.biz
Website: www.muslimworldbiz.com